St. John XXIII
Walking in the Foot Prints of Jesus
Sermon on the Mount
The Sermon on the Mount series is Part 2 of St. John XXIII’s Walking in the Foot Prints of Jesus series. In Part 1, The Discipleship Journey, we embarked on this amazing journey of discipleship. If you recall, a disciple is one who walks like Jesus, talks like Jesus, and acts like Jesus. Just as a child places his or her small foot into the larger foot print of someone they look up to trying to mimic their way, a disciple entrusts his or her very self in the person of Jesus Christ and strives to be more like Christ every day.
We began this journey by reflecting on God’s unconditional, infinite love for us. Though most of us have a hard time accepting this, God calls us each by name - actually seeks us out and yearns for a personal, intimate relationship. In fact, God loves us so much that He became human just to be with us and show us His love. Jesus is God in the flesh seeking a relationship with us – us – not just the learned, scholarly theologians, but us everyday folks. Consider His first disciples: ordinary fishermen who said and did dumb things. They didn’t always understand. They made mistakes – lots of them. They came with their own fears, questions, excuses, and plans. But, they turned to Jesus in openness and followed Him. Jesus asks us to do the same.
Now, following Jesus isn’t the same as adoring Him, admiring Him, or seeing Him as a model to imitate. No - discipleship is much more. Discipleship is the most basic call of the Gospel, the call into real, intimate friendship with Jesus so that His presence moves through us into the community. How do we live into that kind of relationship? Simple - by spending time with Him. In Part 1, we reflected on habits or aspects of discipleship that help us spend time with and deepen our relationship with Jesus:
- Pray every day
- Read Scripture every day
- Attend Mass often
- Seek Reconciliation often
- Serve others regularly
As we discover, embrace, and grow into our discipleship, we begin to wonder: how could our calling be reflected in our daily lives? Jesus tells us in His Sermon on the Mount as told in the Gospel of Matthew Chapters 5, 6 & 7. This series, Part 2, continue the discipleship journey by delving deeper into what it means to walk like Jesus, talk like Jesus, and act like Jesus. We explore Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount and reflect on ways of integrating these attributes into all we do.
The format in Part 2 is slightly different than in Part 1. The passages of Matthew 5, 6 & 7 are divided into weekly reflections. An opening prayer is provided, though you are encouraged to offer your own prayer as you begin your reflection time. At the end of each week’s reflection, you are invited to speak to Jesus about the Scripture and what it means to you and then to listen to what Jesus might want to say in reply.
We are glad you are joining us as we continue Walking in the Foot Prints of Jesus and invite you to open your heart to receive the materials and allow the Holy Spirit to come more fully into your life.
If you would like to discuss the materials further or have any questions, please contact Kelly Lemens.