St. John XXIII
Walking in the Foot Prints of Jesus
A Discipleship Journey
What is a disciple? In a nutshell, a disciple is one who walks in the foot prints of Jesus. Just as a child places their small foot into the larger foot print of their parent trying to mimic their way, a disciple entrusts their very self in the person of Jesus Christ and strives to be like Christ more and more every day. This, of course, is the journey of a lifetime. This is the journey we, are inviting you to embark on through our Walking in the Foot Prints of Jesus series.
The exciting thing about this process is that it is for EVERYONE, no matter where a person is in the journey to our Lord. It reaches out to all, from the person who has questions about faith, Catholicism, and God, to those who are deeply immersed in their relationship with God and their church.
The Discipleship process is divided into various programs, each designed to be done over the course of 9 months. Each month offers prayer, a weekly reflection and a closing prayer. You are encouraged to use this material as part of your daily prayer practice. Stay with the same weekly reflection throughout a week and notice how your interaction with the reflection changes with time, awareness and prayer.
The programs include:
The Discipleship Journey
Sermon on the Mount
The OLD TESTAMENT Stories - Their Story is Our Story
We invite you to open your heart to receive the materials and allow the Holy Spirit to come more fully into your life.
If you would like to discuss the materials further or have any questions, please contact Kelly Lemens.